Friday, July 31, 2015

Let God restore.

Been going through a lot lately.  You know how there are times that you go from one hurt to another, and then you meet someone so genuine, so nice but you've already decided you have to take time away from the dating scene and be on your own for awhile?  Well the timing couldn't be more right for my present situation.

I am not perfect.  I will never be and I don't strive to be.  I'm very stubborn at times.  I let pride in and I fall.  And the worse part was that I fall right in front of other people too.

Sometimes I just can't deal.  

My faith, my only rock, however weak it is, will always be the one thing I trust to keep me going.  I will find strength in all this.  For I know my God is by my side.

My reading today from the Word for Today Devotional was 'Let God restore You'.  

Daniel 4:34-36 NKJV

'I...lifted my eyes to Heaven, and...I was restored...'

'You can hurt so much that you stop trusting everybody, including God.  You stop praying and reading the Bible, you avoid those who want to help, and you refuse to let anybody pray for you.

The Bible says, 'Do not harden your hearts' (Hebrews 3:35 NKJV)

Today, acknowledge that you've fallen and let God restore you.'

Let it be our prayer today to 'Let God restore us'. Amen.

Love, Ny.

Haka Prac

So decided to post a video today.  More will be posted in the future.

Today I want to start with the not so long ago past, of some of us, the Coconuts, practising the Haka with our boys for NPUST Sports Day, 2015.


Love, Ny.  

Blessed random day

Woke up this morning to find my lab mate sitting at his desk a meter away from the foot of the spring bed I was sleeping on.  Jumped right up, straight to my desk, head bowed, and completed the last 5 minutes of my beauty sleep.  Precious sleep.

The lab has become my home.  My lab mates and I.  We are family.

Giving myself another 2 hrs before I check on my Advisor.  I'll always believe he was sent straight from heaven to be my Savior.  God bless his soul.

God bless this day.

Love, Ny.