Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Don't go by your feelings.

Woke up feeling like I've just been in a dark pit somewhere unknown.  

Word for Today devotional says 'don't go by your feelings'.  And it's so true.  I'm trusting God's hand that is at work in my life for today.  The last day of thesis correction before putting it to print.  The thesis that I dedicated to my late grandmother, Mami Olo, who passed on less than a year ago.  I still miss her so much.

A small section from my 'Acknowledgements' says:
"My limitations and human frailties were exposed throughout this journey.  I stumbled and fell, countless disappointments ensued and my love and confidence shattered time and again. In spite of all these circumstances the Lord remained faithful.  He ushered me through all these difficulties and helped me to successfully complete this important phase of my life.  Thank you Lord for your providence."

Going with the strength of the Lord today.  Thoughts of every worthless thing can go dig yourselves a grave and rot.

Good morning from beautiful Pingtung.

Love, Ny.