Where all thoughts find their wings. Where dreams are birthed. Where all worries fade. Where love is renewed. Where passion grows. Where ideas have their roots. Where the quiet is found.
My Quiet.
I love waking up in the mornings at 4am to read my Bible and pray. I love the way my heart is open and vulnerable and soft and I pray my strength upward to the Highest of all powers. I love the passion that is felt in these silent moments. My desires become so tangible I can actually feel them. My plans grow form. They pick and prick at me. My visions. They become my companions. My constant guides. My ever-faithful encouragers.
I find solid rock. I find security. I find steadiness. I am empowered. Strengthened. I am my own person.
God is with me. I am loved. I am valued. I am fed. I am sheltered. The foundation for my days are secured.
I love the 5 ams readings. I love doing research when everything is fresh. When my side of the earth is preparing all its inhabitants for the new day. I love being up early. I love completing tasks before the world around me starts to buzz.
I love gazing into nothingness. The nothingness that has so much in store for me. I love the invisible around me that holds so much energy from the universe. I love believing that the universe is behind me. Behind my every move. That what I want it will move to get it for me. That it will make it possible. I have the time, the energy and capacity in me to believe in so much.
The quiet is God's quiet with mine.
In the quiet. Anything is possible.
I love my quiet.
Love, Ny.