Monday, August 10, 2015

Did I say I loved the noise in the house?

Did I just say I loved the noise in the house?

Well my neighbors weren't in the same page with me.  We got scolded today.  Told off and told to keep the noise level down so people can sleep.

Happy people right?  Nah, just happy islanders.  The usual cheers of laughter cracking up our lungs.

We do really need to be located in some isolated island where no one will hear us.  Where we can burst our bronchitis or whatever those things are in our lungs.  Every hour in the house is noise-related.

But hey, we have good music too.  Good music cannot be called noise.  Ok maybe,  if everyone else in the house is humming along sounding like fierce roars of a group of wild lions attacking their prey.

Oh well.  Islanders.  More like crazy islanders.

What's new? It's the same everywhere and anywhere you find islanders grouping together.

Hand in hand we move quietly.  Moving in slow motion and silent rhythms.  Slow beats at very low volumes.


We love you neighbors.  And we love ourselves too.

Love, Ny.

Family Loves

I woke up feeling so grateful today.

I'm grateful for family.  For sisters.  For friends.

I love the loud laughter all around the house.  The jokes.  Sometimes they're too funny one laughs until they can't laugh anymore.  The whole house just shakes with very loud noise.

You never know how situations will turn around.  One will be sharing her heart out, and someone just puts humor into it, totally turning it around and making everyone just  crack up again.

I love the happy times.  At times they're too good you just wanna cuddle each other.  Give each one a hard, tight squeeze and trying your best not to break each other's bones.

Thank God for the love.  Thank God for the food.  For the plans.  Thank God for blessings uncountable.  Thank God for good music.  Thank God for good company.  So special.  So unique.  So lively.  So heartfelt.  So uplifting and enriching the soul.  Aimless times lead to new ideas of more togetherness.  Everything just leads to more and more good times.  The Adventure never ends.

I'm grateful.  Very grateful.  God is good.  All the time.

Our summer vacation will be a fun and safe vacation of just family loves all around.

God is Emmanuel.

Love, Ny.

The Power of Vision (The Word for Today)

Today's reading from The Word for Today gives me so much motivation.

Having a vision for your life gives you four things:

(1) Passion
     - It makes you wake up in the morning and bound out of bed because there's something out there you love to do; something you believe in and are good at; something bigger than you; something you can hardly wait to get at.

(2) Motivation
     - Author Richard B. Edler said:  'Safe living generally makes for regrets later on.  We are all given talents and dreams.  Sometimes the two don't march.  But more often than not we compromise both before ever finding out.  Later on, we find ourselves looking back longingly to that time when we should've chased our true dreams and talents for all they're worth.   Don't be pressured into thinking your dreams or talents aren't prudent.  They were never meant to be...They were meant to bring joy and fulfilment to your life.'

(3) Direction
     - Vision simplifies decision-making.  Anything that moves you closer to your vision gets a green light; everything else should be approached with caution.  Vision brings what's important to the surface, and weeds out anything that stands in your way.  Without vision, good things will keep you from achieving great things.  People without a clear vision are easily distracted.  They've a tendency to drift aimlessly from one thing to another.  They've no spiritual, relational, financial or moral compass.  Consequently, they make decisions that rob them of their dreams.

(4) Purpose
     - Having vision is like getting a sneak preview of things to come.  It says, 'If you don't show up, something important won't happen.  Your life matters.  Without you, what could be - won't be.

Love this so much, Ny.