Growing up. What it means to me.
Talk when you need to. Love with no strings attached. Understand without knowing. Give and not expect anything in return. Know when to confront. Know when to become angry.
Give compliments. Let people be. Give space. Give time. Respect. Lend a hand. Take time to listen. Be a blessing. Keep in touch with family and friends. Smile.
Get a hobby. Look for inspiration. Be positive. Think. Dream. Plan. List. Write. Hope.
Avoid idleness. Avoid boredom. Quit unhealthy habits.
Don't hold grudges. Don't expect too much. Don't live beyond your means. Don't worry too much.
Turn off the phone when need to. Sign out of social network sites. Avoid time-consuming websites.
Work without distractions. Complete work within record time. Stick to deadlines. Concentrate. Focus. Polish. Perfect.
Take time out. Rest. Relax. Meditate. Pray. Have quiet moments. Look and listen to nature. Count your blessings. Sing.
Be grateful. Learn to appreciate. Enjoy the journey.
Growing up. What it means to me.
Love, Ny.