Thursday, August 20, 2015

It sucks. Love, Ny.

Feeling so bad today.  So bad it hurts.  It pains.  It sucks.

It really does suck to have someone not tell you anything then just cut you off like that.

Sometimes I think that if someone treated you badly, they would also do it to the next person.  Because that's just how they are.  Then other times I just blame myself for not knowing what to do and how to respond in the right way to situations that come up.

Sometimes I think I'm better off.  Then other times I just wish I have that someone back in my life.  And not just in my mind every single day and night.

I'm taking my time.  Even if at times I just get tired and just wanna scream him out of my system.

Yes.  Him.

I feel bad that it's just sad.

I'm still gonna close today with love in my heart though.

Love, Ny.