Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Powerful Things

Powerful.  Touching.  Heart-rending.  Tear-jerking.  Stirring.  Powerful things.

Things that are not seen.  Things that are out of sight.  Out of the public eye.  But when manifested, the results are just so powerful.

So touching they bring tears.  They make the strong weak.  The weak strong.  They open one's eyes to possibilities never been disclosed before.  They open up the heavens.  Raining down miracles to the believer.  To those with open arms.


That's what it takes for someone to go up on stage, sing their heart out, belt the song, and touch their audience to the very core of their beings.

That was exactly what a favorite singer of mine did to me today.

Tears welled up in my heart and overflowed into my eyes as she beautifully sang her heart out.  It was a quiet, serene atmosphere and the crowd was a lovely passionate group of fans.  She took her time giving out a totally raw but very refined performance with her acoustic guitar.  An acoustic guitar player of her band stood three meters to her right, skillfully playing along with her.

It was heavenly.

It's true that a song can take you everywhere in time.  Back to the past digging up old memories.  Fast forward to the future where imaginations run wild and could even stop the hands of time.

This, however, was different.

This particular singer pushes me onward.  She inspires and motivates me towards every good work.  She makes me know that good things come to those who work.  Good luck really does go after hard work.

When in the silence and no one is in sight, time given to preparation and practice boosts energy.  Good things accumulate.  Powerful stuff grow wings.  Powerful wings so strong they break through every obstacle in the way.

When in the silence and no one is looking, construction and training puts everything in order.  Dreams take form and gradually make their way into the dreamer's waking reality.

Anything truly is possible when one puts his/her mind, heart and soul into his/her passion.

I gazed with my heart open, breathing in and absorbing every word, sight and emotion as she delivers an awesome masterpiece of bare emotive soulful sounds.  Her eyes were closed as she feels every single word, diffuses those feelings into the yearning listener's heart and effortlessly driving the song home.

Preparation and passion, with all honesty, devotion and persistence, without a doubt, sure does bring forth powerful things.

Unquestionable.  Powerful.  Things.

Love, Ny.