Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Too up on yourself.


You think that after I turned down your offer for 'some activity' that I'd be waking up every morning saying 'I wish I'd see him today' or 'I wish I'd run into him (again) today'.  Can't you even figure it out for yourself?

Yes it does bug me.  It bugs me how boys (not men) think girls would just go after them like that.  Of course you have features that I'd lay in bed dreaming of, picturing how we could be a couple, imagining how I'd love and care for you and make every moment count while we're here in this isolated-god-forsaken-most times very lonely place.  Of course I could be really weak, be swept off my feet and into your arms knowing very well you have your significant other waiting at home.  But OF COURSE I'm not that stupid.  I could be crazy, but for other things.  Not this one. Nah.  Hail No!

Yes you are just too up on your self.  And yes I could go on and on venting and letting it out here so I can get your arrogance that's now rubbing off on me out of my system.  But I only have time for my paper.  So we'll bring this to a close.  Maybe to a closure.

You see, I see you almost everyday.  Yes our paths seem to be crisscrossing every other day.  But this is my space too.  And for the record, I was here first.  I occupy this damn space and you should make damn sure you mind your own damn business like I am making damn sure I damn am.

Stalking you?  It surely is the other way around if there is any stalking involved here.  Get over yourself Mr Handsome Afro.

I am obsessed.  Yes.  Stupid.  Crazy, and in love.  Just not for you thank you very much.

We still friends though.  So expect more of me around.  You can even invite me over for lunch or dinner outside at 7-11.  We can hang out while your gf hangs on your shoulder and you try to make undistracted conversations with me till your she pulls you away with that 'he's-mine-don't-touch' body language.  Or even better, I can invite the two of you over and I'll cook, the girls will bake some cakes and we'll have movie night with pop corn, snacks and ice cream and finish off with some vodka lime, wine and beer afterwards.

I'm over this.

Love, Ny.

A double hint from Mum.

Just got a text from Mum.  Her and Dad are missing Baby Lianga who went back to be with his parents.

Thanks Mum for the hint hint.  I get it now.  I'm in my child-bearing years.  I need to be bearing children already.  If not for me then for the grandparents.  And of course I'd love myself some kids already by now.  

This is tough.  Such a tough position to be in.  

Such a huge double hint from Mum.  I miss them now.  But when I'm gonna bear children?  That's a huge question to answer.  Only God knows.

Kids are so precious, lovable, cute, cuddly, provide companionship, pure, innocent and just the perfect gift of life.  Especially for grandparents like Mum and Dad.  Faithful, caring and very loving grandparents.

We'll wrap this up before we start to think, talk, think, write and think too much again.

Love, Ny.