Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A double hint from Mum.

Just got a text from Mum.  Her and Dad are missing Baby Lianga who went back to be with his parents.

Thanks Mum for the hint hint.  I get it now.  I'm in my child-bearing years.  I need to be bearing children already.  If not for me then for the grandparents.  And of course I'd love myself some kids already by now.  

This is tough.  Such a tough position to be in.  

Such a huge double hint from Mum.  I miss them now.  But when I'm gonna bear children?  That's a huge question to answer.  Only God knows.

Kids are so precious, lovable, cute, cuddly, provide companionship, pure, innocent and just the perfect gift of life.  Especially for grandparents like Mum and Dad.  Faithful, caring and very loving grandparents.

We'll wrap this up before we start to think, talk, think, write and think too much again.

Love, Ny.

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