Monday, August 10, 2015

Did I say I loved the noise in the house?

Did I just say I loved the noise in the house?

Well my neighbors weren't in the same page with me.  We got scolded today.  Told off and told to keep the noise level down so people can sleep.

Happy people right?  Nah, just happy islanders.  The usual cheers of laughter cracking up our lungs.

We do really need to be located in some isolated island where no one will hear us.  Where we can burst our bronchitis or whatever those things are in our lungs.  Every hour in the house is noise-related.

But hey, we have good music too.  Good music cannot be called noise.  Ok maybe,  if everyone else in the house is humming along sounding like fierce roars of a group of wild lions attacking their prey.

Oh well.  Islanders.  More like crazy islanders.

What's new? It's the same everywhere and anywhere you find islanders grouping together.

Hand in hand we move quietly.  Moving in slow motion and silent rhythms.  Slow beats at very low volumes.


We love you neighbors.  And we love ourselves too.

Love, Ny.

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