Monday, August 31, 2015

I love my work. Period.

I don't know how to write anymore.  It's been a while.  But today my work has reached deep into me to bring at least some words out.

I love my work.  I really do.  I'm passionate when it comes to reading, analyzing, deducing, adding to and writing about my research work.  Oh God!  The sighs that come out whenever I print a page or two of my drafts.  The simple paper in black and white in front of me, lifts my spirits, makes me nervous every time and takes me back to my primary school years when I used to wake up at 4 am in the mornings, go to the little store room by the kitchen that I use as my study room and do my homework and readings.  Once my maternal grandfather found me in there doing my work early in the morning.  He said something that has stayed with me till this very day and will continue to push me on.  It was in his mother tongue, but it went something like 'This little girl is very young, but has a big desire to study'.  That line may have taken me this far and will continue to do so until my very last breath.

My passion for the things I do.  I don't know how deep they are, or how long they will last, or how much strength I have to keep them there and bring forth fruits that will help to impact my generation.  All I know is that I love my work so much.  Take me away from it and I will detest the very nature in you.

And that will be all for today.  If any has even been wondering about this at all.  :P (that's an emoji with tongue showing).

Sooooooo..... handing in the first draft for my paper to my advisor this morning.

Oh God!

Love, Ny.

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