Monday, August 31, 2015

To be or not to be excited.

I don't even know what that title means.  The only thing I'm sure of is I am too excited right now to even do work.  It's coming up my neck and I'm seriously gonna drown in my own excitement.

Yes!  Just got word from my advisor that I am presenting a poster this year in December at the annual Food Science Conference in Taipei.  Sooooooooo... yesss!  Yes I am excited.  Nervously excited but more excited than nervous and the funny thing is that I don't really know the real reason why.

Ok so I get it.  I am putting my work out there.  I have just handed in the draft for my paper to submit to a scientific journal online.  And now doing a real poster.  Yes, a real one this time.  Not just for a seminar class.  But this excitement is a little too much.  It just seems a bit over the top.  So I'm hoping one thing is going to lead to another and that this is gonna be worth it.

Save my PhD project for a few days later this week.  Because this present few days are going to be dedicated to my nicely decorated symmetrically arranged poster with personally customized and creatively (I like to think so) selected colors.  And I'm hoping to pat myself on the back after it is done.

Now breathing heavily as if I'm about to be presented with an award or something awesome like that.  I am getting ahead of myself now and so full of it.  Though it's just a feeling.  That I know.  I just hope I calm down sooner than later so I can get down to real work and make it come out brilliantly great.

I love my work.  Yes.  And I am so excited for great things ahead.

Love, Ny.

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