Friday, August 14, 2015

Untimely longings

Yebo.  I get that a lot.  In season and out of season.

At times they are deep.  Other times shallow.

At times they are being met.  More often than not they are just passing by and caused or forced to move on.

Fleeting emotions.  At the pace of the minute hands of my living room clock.

My yearning feeling doth wait.  At times.  Yes.  Only at times.

I right a lot of things.  I also wrong a lot of them.  Ok probably much more than the things I right.

I right a lot of people.  And wrong a whole lot more.

I put the blame on those untimely longings.  They feel good.  But undesirable and unwelcomed when weirdness results.  I get restless.  Uptight and not loosened up.

Untimely longings.  They lead to doing without first thinking.  Humiliation follows.  Shame.  Awkwardness.

Untimely longings.

I shake my head in disgust.  I run out of things to say.  I pull back, go red and shut myself down.  Then I bow and escape.

I'm gone.

Love, Ny.

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