Friday, August 14, 2015

My Title. My Profession. Not my Name.

I've been saying this the past months while gearing up to start Phd.  When friends start to call me Dr Nelma.  That I don't want to be named after my qualification.

I have the names given to me at birth.  And I have my self included few additional ones too.  There are already six of them.  That's already one too many names.  Only four of them are official.  Meaning they are written on my passport and other IDs.  Still too long.  Not to mention my Chinese name that's written and stamped on most important documents.

The title of 'Dr' can stay in my certificates where it belongs.  In official documents where I need it.  And be used to address me during official gatherings and functions.

Other than that, please call me by my first and middle names when the time comes.  Use my Chinese name if you wish.  I love my Chinese name.  Address me by my numerous nicknames.  Given to me by my very many friends back home and overseas.  Ny, Nelo, Nelco, Tigs, Nigel, and others. Every one of my name is special in its own way.  I didn't work hard in school to get them.  They are mine.  They represent me.  They are me.

It's true that I work hard in school and work.  I thrive there.  And for this very reason, whatever titles I earn while in school or work will stay there.  Where they belong.

Yes. Of course.  I'd always love me some acknowledgements.  Sure.  Just do it at the right time.  In the right place.

My title(s).  My Profession.  Not my Name.

Love, Ny.

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