Sunday, August 9, 2015


I used to be one. 

I believed i have improved alot in that area.  But my behavior is saying otherwise.

I get bogged down when things don't go as planned.  I worry when I know I'm running out of money. 

I get moody when I don't get to be by myself for at least 5-7 hrs a day.  When my me-time is ruined.  When my quality time is being cut short.  When people are just purely inconsiderate and I prefer to do my work rather than have company.  When I have pressing work matters and yet have to take time out of the lab.  When peeps just don't understand and I think they should.

I wanna be be able to choose the time when I want company or not.

I don't like dirty surroundings.  I specifically don't like it when others make MY surroundings dirty and don't take responsibility for it.

I don't like it that I can't say stuff when I want to.  When I think things are out of my control and I can't say anything about it.

I just don't like it when I am just generally not happy with stuff.


I'm still deciding on that.

Maybe in another post.

So on to the next one now.

Love, Ny.

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