Monday, August 3, 2015

I forget to breathe sometimes.

'You know I forget to breathe sometimes.
I'm so afraid to fall behind.
Why do I let the pressure take over my mind.
When I know the truth is never wrong.
I'm alright.
This is right where I belong.' - Tori Kelly (Luv dis girl :) )


The lyrics couldn't be any further from the truth.  My truth.  Pressures of all kinds flood my mind day and night.  I could never keep up sometimes.  I forget to slow down.  I forget to take a breather.  I forget to say a simple prayer.  I forget about my self.  And not just sometimes.  Most of the time.

I live. Yes I do.  But is weighing oneself down with unnecessary worries living at all?

People.  Relationships.  Friends.  Family.  Research.  Writing.  Labmates.  Advisor.  Money.  Food.  Plans.  Plans.  Plans.  Future.  Future Husband.  Ok.  There we go.  Future Husband.

I'm done.

Love, Ny.

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