Monday, August 3, 2015

Finding strength in God (and Monday morning rambling).

Still trying to get a hang on this writing thing.  Been awhile since I've written a 18/20 narrative essay :).  Yeah that was back in high school at KGVI, Solies.  Please excuse my lack of good grammar, incoherence and lame sentence structure.  Still trying to get back into the flow I used to have back in the days.  So good luck to me.

A very good morning from the beautiful NPUST campus, Pingtung.  It's sunny today, no signs of drizzles of any kind.  The skies are a clear blue.  But you  can never tell sometimes how the weather will keep up throughout the day.  Taiwan is just well known for its 4 season a day weather.

Final copies of my thesis are coming along and very much hoping everything will turn out okay so I could have them formally printed this week.  Then we can move on to the next phase in this masters-to-phd transition plateau.

6 more weeks till classes begin.  I am still enjoying the quietness and solace around the campus.  The late nights hangouts here and there.  Chilling like there's no tomorrow.

Okay I'm gonna stop here before I exaggerate about how I'm relaxing.  Like hello Ny you have a paper to publish or else kick start your PhD project.  And that's actually the reality.  Very limited time for chilling even on a summer vacation.  Gotta love graduate school.

Clock reads 8:35am and I'm still catching up on emails and messages from friends in the Solies.  Miss home.  But life is always where you are in the present.  So jia you Ny.

Thinking and praying for my dear sister and very very very close and special friend S.B. in the Solies today.

We will always find strength in God when we draw close to Him.

Love, Ny.

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