Monday, August 3, 2015

Specific Phobia

I am beginning to figure out the specific fear that always fills my stomach up, gives me dizziness in the head, and causes my knees to tremble like I'm having malaria or some mosquito related illness like that.

The thing is, every time I had to go see my Advisor, I have this great fear that clutches the whole of me and seems to snap at me everywhere in the face.  My appetite disappears and I get the feels of how it would be like when the world comes to an end and I stand between heaven and hell on Judgement Day.

I looked it up on the net and came up with 'specific phobias' that some people have.  But I seem to be falling out of the definition.

That's when I realized that it's only when I haven't been on the right track with what I am expected to do that my body sends me all those warning signals telling me everything is going to go wrong unless I pick up my slothful lazy self, focus on the task at hand, break free of all that distracts me and freaken get down to real business for goodness sake.

Dayyymm girl!!!!!!

Specific phobia?

Yeah Right!  The struggle is not even real.  Epic.  Fail.  Shame. Duks! :) :)

Deadline is coming. I'm pulling up my socks.  See you on the other side dear Thesis.

Love, Ny.

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