Saturday, August 15, 2015

PhD. My Story for Success.

I smell success on the horizon.  It's coming towards me.  I feel a tone of seriousness taking over me.  A feeling of determination. 

A prepared soldier going into war.  An armed warrior fully equipped.

I feel strength gathering inside me.  Bones, muscles and nerves getting the whole system ready for battle.   I'm taking over everything in my way.  Going to swiftly conquer all obstacles in my path.  Victories are mine to gain.  Failures be my stepping stones as I publish and keep publishing my finished work till I'm done.

I'm stepping up my game and loving this journey already.

If God before me, who can be against me?

Bring on the next 3 years.  PhD.  My story for success.

For in God I trust.

Love, Ny.

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